
Secretary ( Textiles) reviews "The Cottage"

Ms. Neelam Shami Rao, Secretary ( Textiles) conducted a Comprehensive review of "The Cottage” on 24.1.25 in the presence of Shri Manoj Lal, Managing Director, the Central Cottage Industries Corporation of India Ltd, Shri Rajeev Saxena, Joint Secretary ,Shri D.K Panda, Deputy Secretary , Shri Hari Kishore ,Under Secretary as also  Shri Ajay Gupta, JS (Chairman CCIC) & Ms. Amrit Raj, Development Commissioner ( Handicrafts ), Directors on Board, "the Cottage". The Visit focused on evaluating the current status of the Corporation, identifying the Challenges and accelerating the Competition.

During her visit Ms. Neelam Shami Rao, Secretary (Textiles) appreciated the exclusive Crafts on display. She visited the different Handloom & Handicraft sections to see the new offerings & designs, interacted  with the employees & artisans and Weavers giving live demonstration of  their crafts. She appreciated that " the Cottage' is consistently   making efforts to promote the Crafts  & Artisans on a global platform  through participation in  National & International exhibitions, Corporate Gifting, Advertising, social media activities , exports, live demonstration & Sales promotion drives, etc  to compete with new market trends & changing tastes of the consumers, while retaining the core ethnic value of the retailed products. Speaking on the occasion, Shri Manoj Lal , Managing Director, the Central Cottage Industries Corporation Ltd stated that the Secretary ( Textiles ) vision has motivated "the  Cottage " team to excel & achieve greater heights.